This is a quote from one of my students. He is one of the brightest students I have ever taught. His English is excellent, his work ethnic impeccable, his attitude eager, his potential unlimited. His dream is to be able to finish high school, go onto University and become an engineer. You might wonder why it is a problem that he has ambition. It is a problem because the chances of him getting his dream are very slim. Like so many of my students, he is very poor, the son of a poor farmer. Today he, and more than half of my class were dismissed for lack of school fees. School fees are about $150 per year per student. This is sometimes impossible for a population that makes an average of a little less than a dollar a day. Is it fair that students who desperately want to learn are denied this basic right because they cannot pay? Because they are from a poor family? “The problem is that I have ambition.” My heart aches for the students like him who want more although their future is most likely staying in their town and doing whatever keeps bread on the table.
This begs the question- what is my stake in this child? What is my duty as a Christian? I am not sure how to answer these questions. I do believe we are connected as children of God. That these students are my brothers and sisters in Christ and their fate does matter.
Hi David & Amy, I have so enjoyed catching up with your blog & seeing how you have been stretched during the last few months! Not pleasant. We reacently rfead in our morning devotions, 'he/she whom god loves, gets chastened'(My translation!) Surely living in such a different culture is a chastening experience but not as punnishment but as growth. We talked & prayed for you last night in our Christian Outreach meeting and are so glad you are there to bless and encourage the students. Know that God knows your heartaches for them...perhaps, in this context, your Easter celebration will be more meaningful than ever before. Christ is risten. He is risen indeed! With love, Cy & Yvonne SATOW